Saturday, January 30, 2016


It feels like someone dropped a brick on my heart.
Ya know how it seems like there is one person that can lift you up, that no matter how bad of a day or week you have had there is that one person who can always turn it around? You look forward to the possibility that you might get to see that person and the world will adjust itself back to a good place.
...and then the first thing that person says or does is out of the norm and effects you exactly the opposite of what you had hoped for. Their actions come out of left field and smack you across the face with a razor blade. Your heart instantly drops to the basement and then an elephant sits on it. Its heavy. So heavy.

I don't like this. What I don't like about it most is the power it has over me. The power to drag my brain down with it, down to sadness and pain. The power to cause me actual physical symptoms that leave me feeling hollow and heavy inside.

How does an emotional feeling cause physical pain?

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