Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday is a Newday

It's Tuesday... which means we made it through the weekend of Birthday Festivities for J ....alive and with all of our fingers!!!! Yea!!!! I can't believe that kid is 8. It seems like yesterday he was my little bug. Now he's all smart and has friends. The experiment of raising children is ever changing.
So what did we do for the special boy you ask.... well, we had a party at Rollerama. This party included roller skating, video games, and lazer tag! I found it very interesting that some of the invitees had never skated before or just told us that they didn't know how and never bothered to try. My favorite grown up kid, Uncle Eron, showed up(which is always a treat) and was the only over 8 skater out there. His coolness never ceases to amaze. Dude is not scared of anything and if he is he doesn't show it. He is always ready for an adventure. Joe got some super awesome presents, mostly army stuff, but Uncle E showed everyone up with GUITARS AND AMPS for both boys. My house just got louder. What was the best part of the day???? Lazer Tag. Why? Cuz i won. :) When it comes to things such as competition and sniping 8 year olds... I WIN. Yes I should have probably taken it easy on the kiddos but I think that as a semi-adult type person accomplishing 8 years of keeping another human alive and growing I should be able to snipe away!

Friday, October 10, 2014


Pleasantville is only pleasant from the outside. On the inside, its a crazy mixed up roller coaster of emotions with piles of clothes and a sink full of dirty dishes to land in. 

Today Pleasantville got news that the Ex is taking, not only the new girl, but her kid down to see his father. Ok, I know you don't immediately see the problem. Let me point it out. He has 2 children of his own that he is not taking. One of which has a birthday this weekend, the first birthday he has had since his father was released from prison. This angers the mama bear greatly. What angers the mama bear even more is the actions of the Ex father in law. He dares post pictures and sentiments on FB to this new girl and her offspring of their weekend to come, yet hasn't sent as much as a card for his own grandchildren in 2 years. Puking is not very pleasant but its what my body wants to do over this situation.

You will come to know us all over time. I have contemplated blogging for some time and only today, out of anger and disgust, have decided to start sharing our journey in print.

Brief descriptions of those most frequently involved;
J - spastic introvert, eldest child, brilliant mind
T - just spastic, great hair, sweet dance moves, lures the ladies, youngest child
Scoob - 7lbs of love in tiger stripes, 1st baby, asshole
Buddy - 80lbs of pit love covered in allergic reactions, protector of all, biggest baby EVER
Ex - need I say more?
Erwin - the girl that is always around
Mimi - my sister
Molly - best friend that I don't get to see often enough, too much time together and we will strangle each other
Mom - Over protective financial backer I couldn't live without
Dad - a much older version of me... in a mans body

Me - the teller of the story, its my life through my eyes, it doesn't get any better

I suppose that is all for now.... Keep on keepin on....